LfE 9: Halloween and the True Colours of the Weather

01/11/2009 Hello everyone! My cough is completely gone. It took its own time and I waited patiently 🙂 Last night was Halloween. We were out all night partying. [Read More]

LfE 8: Gifford Lectures and Indian Festivities

23/10/2009 Greetings! I recover from a cough as I write this. The reason for the long silence is the fever I had last weekend. I know you kind-hearted people are starting to worry already! [Read More]

LfE 7: No news is…

12/10/2009 Hello!! It’s been a while it seems since my last update. All is well on this side of the world. I am cocooned in academic life and don’t hear the news very often. [Read More]

What I learnt from my Grandmother

On Gandhi’s birthday I think of two people. One is my cousin who shares his birthday and the other is my maternal grandma who taught me most of what I know about Gandhian values. [Read More]

LfE 6: Classes are Intense

04/10/2009 Hello everyone! The weather this week albeit two days in the middle has been pleasant with sunny blue skies. This is most unexpected in Edinburgh but a joy to us although the wind can be a real bully while walking; pushing us forward and backward with no warning! [Read More]

Letters from Edinburgh (LfE) 5: Settled and Rocking!

**28/09/2009 JANANI IS SETTLED AND ROCKING!** Hello everyone! I’m well and I hope you are all in a well too :):) (Sorry, I had to crack that 🙂 ) [Read More]

Letters from Edinburgh: 4

**22/09/2009 EDINBURGH PART 4: ZAPPED** Hi! I had my first classes today so after an all-girls Birthday party (of our new American friend) last night with yum brownies, I organised my things for today and slept as early as possible. [Read More]