Come dream with me

What does our country really need? We need to make sure every citizen gets enough to eat, clothe themselves and opportunity to enrich themselves using good quality education, and employment. [Read More]

What I learnt from my Grandmother

On Gandhi’s birthday I think of two people. One is my cousin who shares his birthday and the other is my maternal grandma who taught me most of what I know about Gandhian values. [Read More]

LfE 6: Classes are Intense

04/10/2009 Hello everyone! The weather this week albeit two days in the middle has been pleasant with sunny blue skies. This is most unexpected in Edinburgh but a joy to us although the wind can be a real bully while walking; pushing us forward and backward with no warning! [Read More]

Android body vs Human body

A lot of futuristic science fiction puts forward several ideas of what an android would be like. Data from Star Trek (TNG) is an intriguing character who tries very hard to understand what it is to be human. [Read More]