LOG 1.15: Rise and Fall

22nd April, 2011 Janani’s log; Solar date: 220411.12 Last week I had crammed too many activities into my schedule; attending multiple classes, working on the programming, in aerobics, music group and a Greenpeace meeting. [Read More]

LOG 1.14: A Trip to Göttingen

10th April, 2011 Hello everyone 🙂 I just returned from a trip to Göttingen where my flatmates and I celebrated an old flatmate’s birthday. We took a train yesterday morning and I was quite taken in by the beauty of the countryside. [Read More]

LOG 1.11: Light jackets and Programing

13th March, 2011 Hi Everyone 🙂 We are halfway through March and temperatures are now ranging between 7-13! Quite warm (relatively) and it is now ok to venture out with either a light jacket with a heavy-ish sweater or with only one heavy jacket on. [Read More]

A Brave New World of Equilibrium

The battle between emotion and control is an old one. It is fought by each of us in our lives as well as philosophers at a more conceptual level. [Read More]

LOG 1.10: The first signs

28th February, 2011 Hello, It is now possible to see the first signs of Spring. The trees are bearing buds that will leaf and flower forth. [Read More]

LOG 1.9: Aerobics, Music, Star Trek

17th February, 2011 Hello everyone, I just came back from an hour of the most exhausting exercise in probably Years! I never realised how out-of-shape I have been until I saw 60 odd other people able to jump around during what they call ‘Power Gym’ for an hour while I was out of breath within 15 minutes. [Read More]

LOG 1.7: The new place

2nd February, 2011 Hello 🙂 I´ve moved into the new place. My things are finally out of the bags and in well organised shelves! So happy to have things out and well in reach. [Read More]

Android body vs Human body

A lot of futuristic science fiction puts forward several ideas of what an android would be like. Data from Star Trek (TNG) is an intriguing character who tries very hard to understand what it is to be human. [Read More]