LOG 1.23: End of Semester

22nd July, 2011 Hello everyone, Yesterday I wrote the last exam of this Semester! Not sure when I will get results but I´m sure what I did try, I got right. [Read More]

LOG 1.7: The new place

2nd February, 2011 Hello 🙂 I´ve moved into the new place. My things are finally out of the bags and in well organised shelves! So happy to have things out and well in reach. [Read More]

LfE 13: The last day and the Bicycle story

06/12/2009 Hello! It’s nearly noon on this bright sunshiny Sunday. The temperature is 8 Degrees Celsius. Last night it hit an unusual 9 degrees! I had planned to pull out my gloves only after December started but I remember November days being colder than this! [Read More]