LOG 1.22 Boats :)

12th July, 2011 Hello, I hope all of you have been well. Life has improved significantly for me since I organised it. I now feel like I have a sense of purpose and [Read More]

An unfeeling mouth

I can´t feel most of my mouth. My tongue can move but can´t taste or feel touch. My bottom lip feels like my tongue sticking out of my mouth in a constant pout. [Read More]

LfE 12: Weekend activities

29/11/2009 Hello everyone 🙂 It’s a Sunday. Four degrees celsius as I write, and cloudy. A bunch of us friends are going to the German market today on Princes Street. [Read More]

LfE 10: Enormous Work Load and Frost

09/11/20009 Hi! It’s me again 🙂 All is well with me and I hope you are all equally well. The pressure in Uni to get work done has suddenly risen exponentially and the weather is getting colder by the day. [Read More]

LfE 6: Classes are Intense

04/10/2009 Hello everyone! The weather this week albeit two days in the middle has been pleasant with sunny blue skies. This is most unexpected in Edinburgh but a joy to us although the wind can be a real bully while walking; pushing us forward and backward with no warning! [Read More]