An unfeeling mouth

I can´t feel most of my mouth. My tongue can move but can´t taste or feel touch. My bottom lip feels like my tongue sticking out of my mouth in a constant pout. [Read More]

Fair is not Lovely

Dear Women of India, I hope you will soon learn to laugh at the ads which endorse the notion that having lighter brown skin makes you more beautiful than you are already. [Read More]

LfE 25: Swift time

21/05/2010 Hello! Looks like it really has been a month since I last wrote! And what a busy month it’s been! Various assignments, deadlines, work with project and otherwise, workshops on new software, just so much…of everything has happened! [Read More]

Understanding India using Europe

It is too difficult for a European to see India as one country when they understand it’s diversity is more at the scale of a continent – their continent. [Read More]