2nd February, 2011
Hello 🙂
I´ve moved into the new place. My things are finally out of the bags and in well organised shelves! So happy to have things out and well in reach.
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LOG 1.6: Speaking German
25th January, 2011
Hallo everyone 🙂
Hope you are all well and happy as you read this. Here is the latest news from me:
The girl I live with got a new cat.
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LOG 1.5: Snow, it turns to rain
15th January, 2011
Hello everyone,
It has been a while since I last wrote. I’ve been busy seeing houses, working (:O ! :)), and going out with friends.
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LOG 1.4: Beauty and the Beasts
30th December, 2010
Hello everyone,
Another ‘Old Year’ has gone by … well I hope it was as happy as it could’ve been for everyone. So many things have happened, so many new things have been learnt!
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Letters from Oldenburg, Germany (LOG) 1.3: Holiday season…'A Freeze is coming'
22nd December, 2010
Happy Winter Solstice to everyone 🙂
Most of Europe is experiencing an intense winter with temperatures hardly ever peeking above 0*C. The roads are icy and footpaths in front of those away on holidays are slippery.
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Letters from Oldenburg, Germany 1.2: A Good Week
12th December, 2010
Hi Everyone 🙂
It’s been a strangely wonderful week 🙂 Things happen here the way they are supposed to. Traffic lanes, bike paths, pedestrian paths.
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Letters from Oldenburg, Germany 1.1: And so it Begins!
6th December, 2010
Hello All!!
Winter is a strange season to start a new thing anywhere. Mainly because places seem most uninhabitable in this season. But here I am, sitting in mz new office, struggling with ?
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Goodbye Edinburgh, Hello Oldenburg
This is the beginning of a new series of letters I have sent home. It starts three months after my last letter from Edinburgh when I was about to leave for India.
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LfE 27: Home
Hello everyone 🙂
I hope everything is going well with all of you. This is the final mail I’ll send from Edinburgh to all of you because my magical and memorable year has come to an end.
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LfE 26: Amsterdam and realisation of love
I write less and less often nowadays mainly because I’m more busy but also because theres more of the same type of things happening.
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