Published first on August 30, 2007
The brain stews some ingredients
When the time is right, the aroma emerges…
Thoughts are like passing clouds…
It strikes me that respect is a rare feeling amongst people.
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Written in Feb 2007
The season changes
Clouds cover parts of
The sky. I lose peace.
Moisture in the wind
Falling leaves; dry and
Brittle. Wait for rain.
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The Amazon and us
First published on August 12, 2007
_“In the time it takes to sing this song,
There’ll be four acres cleared in the Amazon.
The jungle burns all through the night,
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June 5th 2008:
There is vulnerability
In the bud, and
Small new leaves.
In all young,
Newborns sprouting
Into Life.
There is freshness in
Water- life-giving
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At the Neem Tree
August 12, 2007
I walk to my Friends in silence,
Drop my bag and jacket on the way
Carelessly let loose my hair.
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LfE 15: A visit to Oxford and Thoughts in Slough
Hello 🙂
I have been in Slough, a town near London, for around two weeks now. It has been restful to spend time with family, watch movies, go shopping etc.
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Chopin's Nostalgia: Ballade No. 2 in F Major op. 38
Chopin has always been the most real sound track of my life. I got to know some of his most popular pieces as a nine year old in Australia when Reader’s Digest sent the CD for my mum.
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The First and Last Freedom (TFALF) 3: Thoughts during "Individual and Society"
Is the individual an instrument of society or does the society exist for the individual?
In the first paragraph K creates this black and white sense of options.
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What I learnt from my Grandmother
On Gandhi’s birthday I think of two people. One is my cousin who shares his birthday and the other is my maternal grandma who taught me most of what I know about Gandhian values.
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The First and Last Freedom: Thoughts during Chapter 1
Different approaches are necessary for different types of books; Novels and most popular science books are meant to be read cover to cover. Dictionaries, encyclopedias and other factual texts are meant to be looked up for specific information.
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