A Passing Thought about 'Chicks' and 'Babes'

Published first on August 30, 2007 The brain stews some ingredients When the time is right, the aroma emerges… Thoughts are like passing clouds… It strikes me that respect is a rare feeling amongst people. [Read More]


Written in Feb 2007 The season changes Clouds cover parts of The sky. I lose peace. Moisture in the wind Falling leaves; dry and Brittle. Wait for rain. [Read More]

The Amazon and us

First published on August 12, 2007 _“In the time it takes to sing this song, There’ll be four acres cleared in the Amazon. The jungle burns all through the night, [Read More]

LfE 15: A visit to Oxford and Thoughts in Slough

29/12/2009 Hello 🙂 I have been in Slough, a town near London, for around two weeks now. It has been restful to spend time with family, watch movies, go shopping etc. [Read More]

What I learnt from my Grandmother

On Gandhi’s birthday I think of two people. One is my cousin who shares his birthday and the other is my maternal grandma who taught me most of what I know about Gandhian values. [Read More]

The First and Last Freedom: Thoughts during Chapter 1

Different approaches are necessary for different types of books; Novels and most popular science books are meant to be read cover to cover. Dictionaries, encyclopedias and other factual texts are meant to be looked up for specific information. [Read More]