Thoughts about going Vegan

I was raised vegetarian and my family has been vegetarian for generations. When I was thirteen or fourteen, my parents told me that since I will be travelling when I get older, I could start getting used to meat if I wanted to. [Read More]

Sparkling water

Water used to be free. In some parts of the world it still is but with all the pollution and diseases, it is becoming increasingly difficult to safely drink straight from a river, and in many parts of the world, from the tap. [Read More]

City Streets

From October 2007 Vehicle fumes bathe me as I walk the city streets. The roars of blue and white paid concentration cells, and lorries carrying rough blocks of granite vibrate my stomach. [Read More]

The Amazon and us

First published on August 12, 2007 _“In the time it takes to sing this song, There’ll be four acres cleared in the Amazon. The jungle burns all through the night, [Read More]

LfE 15: A visit to Oxford and Thoughts in Slough

29/12/2009 Hello 🙂 I have been in Slough, a town near London, for around two weeks now. It has been restful to spend time with family, watch movies, go shopping etc. [Read More]