This is a continuation of the series which started with Hair Care. The other posts covered Colds, Coughsand Foot problems. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies.
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Home Remedies from south India: Feet
This is the fourth in a series which started with Hair Care. The other two posts cover Colds and Coughs. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies.
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Home Remedies from south India: Coughs
The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.
Home Remedies from south India: Colds
The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.
Home Remedies from flora in south India: Hair Care
The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.
Frames of Reference
A colleague of mine is taking German lessons and when the topic of poetry came up at lunch, he described Elftans, and their structure. It reminded me a little of Haiku so I said ¨Sounds like the European version of Haiku¨.
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LfE 27: Home
Hello everyone 🙂
I hope everything is going well with all of you. This is the final mail I’ll send from Edinburgh to all of you because my magical and memorable year has come to an end.
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LfE 26: Amsterdam and realisation of love
I write less and less often nowadays mainly because I’m more busy but also because theres more of the same type of things happening.
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The conversation I have with every German
Everyone here wants to know why I am here. It always goes almost exactly like this;
¨So where are you from?¨
¨Which part?¨ I wonder if they know Indian geography at all.
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LfE 25: Swift time
Looks like it really has been a month since I last wrote! And what a busy month it’s been! Various assignments, deadlines, work with project and otherwise, workshops on new software, just so much…of everything has happened!
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