Home Remedies from south India: Headaches

This is a continuation of the series which started with Hair Care. The other posts covered Colds, Coughsand Foot problems. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Feet

This is the fourth in a series which started with Hair Care. The other two posts cover Colds and Coughs. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Coughs


The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.

Home Remedies from south India: Colds


The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.

Home Remedies from flora in south India: Hair Care


The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.

Frames of Reference

A colleague of mine is taking German lessons and when the topic of poetry came up at lunch, he described Elftans, and their structure. It reminded me a little of Haiku so I said ¨Sounds like the European version of Haiku¨. [Read More]

LfE 25: Swift time

21/05/2010 Hello! Looks like it really has been a month since I last wrote! And what a busy month it’s been! Various assignments, deadlines, work with project and otherwise, workshops on new software, just so much…of everything has happened! [Read More]