The Relevance of Culture

A conversation with an old friend of mine revealed to me that the word culture is too often associated only with religion and ritualism and dismissed as irrelevant. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Eye care

This is a continuation of the series which started with Hair Care. The other posts include information about Colds, Coughs, Foot problems and Headaches. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Headaches

This is a continuation of the series which started with Hair Care. The other posts covered Colds, Coughsand Foot problems. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Feet

This is the fourth in a series which started with Hair Care. The other two posts cover Colds and Coughs. The information in this series is the knowledge of my grandmother, which I documented as part of a project on medicinal plants and home remedies. [Read More]

Home Remedies from south India: Coughs


The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.

Home Remedies from flora in south India: Hair Care


The pictures used in this series are inserted from other websites. I have used them only to illustrate the ingredients used in the remedies.

Dialogues III

Dear readers, I’ve finally started to shed my inertia and write properly again. Here is the next set of Dialogues we had. J: Just to clarify, was it the Old Testament which said the earth was flat? [Read More]