It’s been a while it seems since my last update.
All is well on this side of the world. I am cocooned in academic life and don’t hear the news very often.
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LfE 6: Classes are Intense
Hello everyone!
The weather this week albeit two days in the middle has been pleasant with sunny blue skies. This is most unexpected in Edinburgh but a joy to us although the wind can be a real bully while walking; pushing us forward and backward with no warning!
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Letters from Edinburgh: 3
Hello all!
It has been nearly 10 days since I got here. Freshers’ week was very fun! I went for lots of cool events where we got to meet people from all sorts of fields from genomics to international politics and everything in between!
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Dialogues III
Dear readers,
I’ve finally started to shed my inertia and write properly again. Here is the next set of Dialogues we had.
Just to clarify, was it the Old Testament which said the earth was flat?
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Dialogues II
In response to your questions:
What is relativism? It’s the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth is relative to the individual.
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Dialogues I
I have a friend who I found last September after nearly 9 years of no contact. We initially had no idea that we would become close again.
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