LfE 24: Volcano Sunset

20/04/2010  Hello, As you all probably know, the Iceland Volcano continues to erupt disrupting flights all over northern Europe. My flatmate who was supposed to go to Germany for part of her PhD has been grounded here. [Read More]

Sparkling water

Water used to be free. In some parts of the world it still is but with all the pollution and diseases, it is becoming increasingly difficult to safely drink straight from a river, and in many parts of the world, from the tap. [Read More]

LfE 21: Season of Life… Under my Skin

03/03/2010 Hello everyone, I’m halfway through my stay here in Edinburgh and every day brings me closer to the day I can come back home to Bangalore and hug my family. [Read More]

"And who, in God's name, is He?" A Book Review on 'Ka'

_By _****N.S.Jagannathan Ka: Roberto Calasso. Translated from original Italian by Tim Parks. Vintage Paperback 1999 Pages 448. Price $ 3. . Amidst the deafening din of post-Colonial chatter on the dark designs of Orientalists “colonising the source texts”, of the colonised, I am all the time nagged by a niggling doubt: how literate are these critics in Sanskrit and other native Indian languages? [Read More]