Unna Nenachen Pattu Padichen: Lyrics and translation

Here is another Kamal song sung by SPB. This is from the movie Aboorva Sagotharargal where Kamal acts as brothers. One who looks normal and another who is very short. [Read More]

Engeyum Eppothum (Ninaithale Inikkum) Lyrics and Translation

Here is a song with both Rajani and Kamal Hassan with Jayaprada. It is from a movie called Ninaithale Inikkum. Also from the 80´s. Thanks to my dad for corrections with the translation. [Read More]

"What's your deal with Roger Federer?"

Roger Federerjust won his 7th Wimbledon Championship lifting him back to his rightful place as World No. 1. He is the greatest Tennis player of all time. [Read More]

Little Baby Ten Days Old

May 2008, dedicated to my niece. . Little baby 10 days old You squirm around in my lap Frown and smile without reason Pee and poo without warning [Read More]
baby  niece  poetry 

Vidai Kodu Engal Nade: Lyrics and Translation

This song is from Kannathil Muththam Ittal. It is a touching story about little girl who tries to find her biological mother after finding out she was adopted. [Read More]