The refreshing effect of Om Chanting in Yoga

Om is a syllable, not a word. And though it has a lot of mythical and symbolic importance in the Hindu tradition, it has no single meaning to be pinned down to. [Read More]

LOG 1.15: Rise and Fall

22nd April, 2011 Janani’s log; Solar date: 220411.12 Last week I had crammed too many activities into my schedule; attending multiple classes, working on the programming, in aerobics, music group and a Greenpeace meeting. [Read More]


August 18th 2008 Who was Sripadrao Uncle? He was a Teacher. But if this is true, then the word ‘Teacher’ must absorb infinitely From his character, mind and actions. [Read More]

´Unlucky knock on wood´ by C.K. Meena

C.K. Meena is a columnist in The Hindu, one of India´s biggest news papers. She was my teacher when I took up a certificate course in Journalism and we soon became friends. [Read More]