LOG 1.17: Oh wow, Barcelona!

11th May, 2011 Ola everyone 🙂 I have successfully recovered to a state of normalcy after the most amazing and exhausting weekend I can ever remember having! [Read More]

Spiritual, religious or philosophical?

Many people confuse spirituality with religiousness, and philosophy with spirituality. Here I will attempt to tease out the differences as I see them. To be religious is to follow a given set of rules generally defined by an existing system of organised faith. [Read More]

LOG 1.13: Spring 'time', German and the 60´s

31st March, 2011 After some rain last night, the air smells like monsoon in India; so fresh and clean! I´ve opened the window to let it come in and along with it are the chirps and tweets of the birds. [Read More]

Frames of Reference

A colleague of mine is taking German lessons and when the topic of poetry came up at lunch, he described Elftans, and their structure. It reminded me a little of Haiku so I said ¨Sounds like the European version of Haiku¨. [Read More]

Understanding India using Europe

It is too difficult for a European to see India as one country when they understand it’s diversity is more at the scale of a continent – their continent. [Read More]