Letters from Edinburgh (LfE) 5: Settled and Rocking!

**28/09/2009 JANANI IS SETTLED AND ROCKING!** Hello everyone! I’m well and I hope you are all in a well too :):) (Sorry, I had to crack that 🙂 ) [Read More]

Letters from Edinburgh: 4

**22/09/2009 EDINBURGH PART 4: ZAPPED** Hi! I had my first classes today so after an all-girls Birthday party (of our new American friend) last night with yum brownies, I organised my things for today and slept as early as possible. [Read More]

Letters from Edinburgh: 3

**19/09/2009 THE BEGINNING: PART 3** Hello all! It has been nearly 10 days since I got here. Freshers’ week was very fun! I went for lots of cool events where we got to meet people from all sorts of fields from genomics to international politics and everything in between! [Read More]

Letters from Edinburgh: 2

**13/09/2009 THE BEGINNING: PART 2** Hello! I just got back from a great time at three events. I climbed Arthur’s Seat and made a friend (Greek) who’s about to start studying Bachelors of Computer science and met a Londoner who studies Geology. [Read More]