SVL 1.9: Palo Alto and Cousins

Two days after that I went to meet a member of TransForm – an organisation that works on improving public transport one of the events I had previously attended was hosted by them and I had taken a short survey saying I wouldn’t mind being contacted for more information/clarification of my ideas. [Read More]

SVL 1.5: A weekend in Michigan

<p> <img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="342" height="456" /> </div> <p> <img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="342" height="456" /> </div> <p> <img class="aligncenter" src="" alt="" width="342" height="456" /> </div> </div> <div class="gmail_default"> This was between meeting a group of Santosh&#8217;s friends for Philz coffee and a walk around the Infinite Loop and meeting more of his friends in Zenny, an Ethiopian restaurant in San Jose. [Read More]

Feel good links

I’d like to share here some of the interesting links I’ve read recently: This oneis the less covered story about ordinary and good Indian men. After all the nasty stories we’ve read, this comes as a breath of fresh air and points out all the nice qualities Indian man have. [Read More]

Come dream with me

What does our country really need? We need to make sure every citizen gets enough to eat, clothe themselves and opportunity to enrich themselves using good quality education, and employment. [Read More]

Introduction to the Indian Caste System

Let me introduce you to the caste system in India. There are four main castes usually listed in the following order; The Castes Brahmins, the teachers, and priests who occupied themselves with the task of performing common ceremonies such as weddings, naming ceremonies, funerals and house-warming as well as yagnas and other religious activities. [Read More]

Thoughts about going Vegan

I was raised vegetarian and my family has been vegetarian for generations. When I was thirteen or fourteen, my parents told me that since I will be travelling when I get older, I could start getting used to meat if I wanted to. [Read More]

How to encourage mutual respect between men and women in India

INTRODUCTION The gang-rape and death of Jyothi Singh Pandey who was previously known in the media as Damini or Nirbhaya, was the tipping point in bringing to focus a long suffered issue of disrespect and violence towards women in India. [Read More]

The only way forward

I tend to avoid the news when I can. It upsets me and since I can’t do much about most of those issues far away I satisfy myself by trying to live in the best way I can; compassionately, sincerely and respectfully. [Read More]