LOG 1.11: Light jackets and Programing

13th March, 2011

Hi Everyone 🙂

We are halfway through March and temperatures are now ranging between 7-13! Quite warm (relatively) and it is now ok to venture out with either a light jacket with a heavy-ish sweater or with only one heavy jacket on.

I have started to try programming my experiment. This means I need to write something into a software (called Presentation) and when it runs it should present my experimental stimuli the way I intended. Because the design we planned was complex and my exposure to this software was minimal and only basic in my MSc, I am trying not to attempt flying through it… I am slowly reading the tutorials to understand it. This means though that things will be slow for a while to come.

Life otherwise has been quiet and on the whole quite good 🙂 My interest in learning German has increased again due to some timely encouragement from a cousin and my flatmate who was impressed with how much I understood. If I really apply my mind, it is possible for me now to understand most sentences even when spoken very fast.

I finished all 3 seasons of the Original Series and the first 6 Star Trek movies. I am now going to begin The Next Generation; but I must say, I hesitate. I don’t want to be disappointed with the changes. Of course, by the end of the 6th movie, I started to feel like the crew simply look too old to really do as they did before… but to accept a new crew and start to like the new characters may take time. I certainly will miss Mr Spock…

Each week flies past. Life still could do with some filling but it is much better than the last time I wrote 🙂

I have arranged an Equinox evening for my lab group. Each person will present something not work related, we will have karaoke and good food. Hoping this will be fun…

I hope all of you are healthy and happy.

MFG (mit freundlichen Grüßen)


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