The body is but a shell
Abandoned and pale
The heart is frozen and fractured
As it lies on the Beach of Isolation
Icy waves sucking the life out of it
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The closing of brackets
(Tonight’s gonna be a good night. Plane. Meet shadow. Exotic tan. Triangle. Snow. Lab. New friends. Sunrise Potluck. Movie. Climbing hights. Potluck. Movie. Sunset. New friends.
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Home is where the Heart is
Most humans tend to want a place to belong to. A place to call one’s own where they plan to settle down and possibly spend the rest of their lives.
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That Feeling
That feeling
Buried under layers of Reasons
The dread of darkness
The disagreeability of some changes
It lays dormant
Under the Rug
The mind thinks
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How to deal with Pain
How do most people deal with pain?
I’m sure there are lines each of us draws a line – a threshold of tolerance until we agree to take pain killers.
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Paramedic's report
‘Female, early twenties. Severe damage to thoracic area. Unable to breathe fully. BP low and heart rate abnormally high. Patient is conscious and has been reporting feeling like blacking out and inability to think clearly.
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Neither Here Nor There
She floats
Neither here
Nor there
Her home behind her fills the void she left
Her new ‘home’ a strange land
She looks for answers in Ancient Wisdom
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Where was I?
I returned from a far away place. I’ve been near it before but never quite inside. It was a strange place to be. Somehow, I never indulged my need to write while I was there.
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The Sun
The Sun is bright
Golden, radiant
It gives us light
And warmth
And because it is so bright
It has no knowledge of
What darkness is
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Piece of Mind I
Who am I?
That’s a known classic philosophical question and I’ll attempt an answer.
Mortal definition-
I am a living thing called a human being. I live on Earth.
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