Vidai Kodu Engal Nade: Lyrics and Translation

This song is from Kannathil Muththam Ittal. It is a touching story about little girl who tries to find her biological mother after finding out she was adopted. [Read More]


From May 2008 How intensely have you questioned your sanity? Today my brain perceived differently- I saw at angles I hadn’t seen before and heard at times I couldn’t explain. [Read More]

Our part in world violence (Tibet)

From May 11, 2008 Violence and aggression rise from fear and greed. What gives the Chinese the right to violate human rights? To kill and torture people? [Read More]

Dialogues III

Dear readers, I’ve finally started to shed my inertia and write properly again. Here is the next set of Dialogues we had. J: Just to clarify, was it the Old Testament which said the earth was flat? [Read More]

Dialogues II

S: In response to your questions: What is relativism? It’s the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth is relative to the individual. [Read More]