From May 2008
For too long I have absorbed.
Here in this moonlight. I still see colour.
I breathe. I create.
There is no romantic breeze
No perfumed candles.
But I yield to your power
Gentle power.
In your trance.
So what am I to you?
Anything you can want
Shape me in your moment of creative bliss.
I can’t see the past
All I know is you.
Lines without coherence
Shapes that mean nothing
In the moonlight there’s less to see
More to feel
More that flows without looking back
In your power.
The sky has such a bright nose stud
And a mole on her leeward side.
This reality is constructed.
I constructed it.
Free flow
These shapes…
Stars are moles
Trees make pretty silhouettes
My pen reflects the moonlight.
The door ajar.
For too long I have absorbed
Can I flow?
Neck stretched to see the sky
Eyes closed I see anyway
Some mosquitoes want to
Enter immortality
My words
Freedom is to sit
Not knowing what you just wrote
And still write on;
Is to breathe without
Chains from the past
Off with the hooks attached
To my back.
I sink into a bath.
Do you believe in science or
Wilder imaginations?
Self absorbed humans.
Written in the moonlight.
Now no more flow.
Is this not my medium?
Let me fly
Cancel time.
This isn’t craft.
This a form of freedom
An attempt, rather.
Give me wings and let me fly
Or I’ll grow them for you
With you.
Is the night sky deep blue?
Or is it just me?
I look back in bright light
Beautifully vague
Vaguely beautiful.
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
It is my medium.
My words, my mind
It is the truth.
I can’t fly now
But I play (Do they know?)
Incomplete, the feeling,
My neck and wrists exposed.
(This song coincided with my putting up this post.)