Posted on September 25, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 49 words
| Janani Dhinakaran
The past and the future have converged in the present.
This is an unbelievable miracle.
Past lives return and the recent past becomes a dark void
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Posted on September 6, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 77 words
| Janani Dhinakaran
What a magnificent construction
This tall metal brick tower
This world of common definitions
Where I am the epitome of purity,
Goodness, sincerity and compassion.
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Posted on August 21, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 49 words
| Janani Dhinakaran
Oh, Symbol of material Love,
The ‘Apple’ of my eye,
Your cold, mountain fragrance,
Red beauty, Temptation,
By you, we were separated from Eden.
Peaceful, wholesome, godly Eden.
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Posted on August 18, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 147 words
| Janani Dhinakaran
Because bright light has recently not been friendly to my eyes, I wore sunglasses when I went out today. Apart form shading the eyes, I found that they have other benefits.
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Posted on July 3, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 205 words
| Janani Dhinakaran
Black and white, day and night. Contrasts. There can only be one when the other exists. So it is not all that strange that a bright light casts an intense shadow.
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