13th February, 2012
Europe is getting hit by a cold wave. Last two weeks were pretty severe in places like Ukraine, Poland etc. Oldenburg sunk below 0C and only today it has risen above to a measley 3. The worst it got was -18 in the night and -11 in the day. It made us appreciate -3 last Friday but now I think I´m impatient for it to rise back to humane temperatures like 10, 15 etc. I may have to wait…
Meanwhile my jazz/pop choir performed in Acapella Abend (evening) on Fri and Sat nights. Saturday’s performance for all the groups were better because I think people had more energy. There was a group from Berlin. Four young men, one of who finished his Masters here only last Sem. He got to do the solo last semester in our performance. That was by far the most entertaining breathtaking performance. They don´t have a name yet and aren´t on youtube or anything but they will go places! We had Thriller, This Love, Time of the Season, Gummy Bears, Falling Slowly, Ein Abend in Paris, and some Alt Musik (1500s stuff). My choir sang Man in the Mirror, The Way you Look Tonight, Baba Yetu and Dancing Queen.
(we sang this; all effects only with voices).
(by the Berlin guys was so amazing- better than the original)
It was a great two evenings. Finally got to know more people from my 40 member choir. Added them on fb and started a group for us 🙂 I even talked to one of the guys from the Berlin group. The music atmosphere was amazing; before Saturday´s performance we had gathered backstage and we spontaneously started singing Baba Yetu- it sounded powerful and grand and our conductor was standing there amazed by our spirit and energy. She almost cried. Music does something to us all. Everyone moves, becomes more open, playful even and I feel like I want to sing and dance for the rest of the night.
As for my stage fright; it was gone the second night 🙂 I think if I get on stage often enough, I will finally get over it.
I am thinking of joining a rock band to fill the gap between now and April when the choir will start its sessions again. Need to find one!
Work is going well too. Started collecting real data and since we have to get 40 datasets it will take till March to finish. I´m working on scripts in the meantime and I have exams coming up too. Bit scary…
We are looking for a person to fill the empty room in our apartment. One of us is going to South Africa for 2 months so we have a replacement from end of this month to early April. Will miss her. Another who has been there since I moved in is thinking seriously about moving into a new apartment with his girlfriend in the near future.
My blog is now somewhere up to 12000 odd views. I have stopped counting 1000s now, I hope to count only 10,000s! /2012/02/11/nadiye-nadiye-kadhal-nadiye-lyrics-and-translation/ Enjoy some Rahman 🙂
I wait for Spring, for the new leaves and flowers. I have now finished a year in my apartment, at this job and in Oldenburg. The cycle starts again.