Reflections on God 4: Hindu Mythology and Philosophy

This is part of God Flux but  split into smaller sections for an easier read.

Ka, Doniger, Joseph Campbell

Before entering the waters of atheism again, let me mention the other influences I had during and a little after my undergraduate years. I did a term paper on religion for which I read the book Ka by Roberto Calasso. I wrote a piece on that earth shattering book which I have put up on this blog. I also read ‘Dreams, Illusion and other Realities’ by Wendy Doniger which is heavier in content. These two books sent my mind into warp for three months. I was seeing the world differently, dreaming differently and was in such a solipsistic state that I questioned this reality. I later got into Joseph Campbell (‘Myths we Live by’ and some Audio lectures) and comparative mythology, and read Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra. I felt drawn to Hindu mythology and symbolism like never before. I also understood that most Hindus don’t know of these wonderfully stimulating ideas because it is never taught or they are satisfied with the ritualism of it. In fact, degrees in philosophy even in India focus on Western philosophy. I also found that there are very few Hindus who study their own religion from an outside, academic perspective. In the study of all other religions believers and non-believers study it together so if the non-believers come to conclusions which miss contexts, the believers may be able to correct them from their experience or knowledge of it. As someone raised Hindu in most practical ways, this void tempted me to take up studying it formally. Perhaps some day I will.

Schizophrenia: The Inward Journey

The Inward Journey is a chapter from the book by Joseph Campbell called ‘Myths to Live’ by and the one which connected very well with my interest in neuroscience. It talked about the experience of a schizophrenic person in terms of mythical structure. Then it drew a comparison of those who go through this experience voluntarily like Yogis or Shamans and those who encounter it accidentally, or with no preparation like those who take hallucinogenic drugs or get one type of schizophrenia. Campbell compares how these disparate groups deal with the experience to trained swimmers and those who’ve never been in water before and thus end up drowning. The common structure of myths worldwide which Campbell illustrates in his works, as well as a chapter on temporal lobe lesions by V.S. Ramachandran in his book ‘Phantoms in the Brain’ where people experience the divine and create symbols, suggested to me that perhaps belief in god and making similar myths was evolutionarily advantageous and it was an inherent biological feature similar to other mammalian emotions.

'holy' books  A Sand Country Almanac  A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity  absolute  abuse of children  academic study of Hinduism  agni  ahimsa  ailments  aldo leopold  almighty power  alter boys  anbe sivam  anger  atheism  athma  atrocities  attacks on diversity  auspicious days  back ache  back problem  bad for the world  bahkti poetry  beautiful  beliefs  benevolent  bhakti poets  bhooma devi  bible  biological basis for belief in god  biological origin for belief in god  bliss  blue  body and nimd  books  brain  brutality  buddha  buddhism  bylakuppe  C.S.Lewis  Calasso  calm  Campbell  carry mountains with one finger  caustic  chakras  children  chinese  choir  Christianity  clothing  clouds  common mythical structure  communal violence  communities  comparitive mythology  compassion  concept  contradictions  conversation  conversions  Coorg  corruption of god  critical thinking  cultural diversity  Dalai Lama  dangers  deep commitment  deep ecology  deep experience  deep questioning  depression  describe  dialogues  distract  divine  Do you believe in god?  Doniger  dream  Dreams  drowning  drugs  early vedic  earth  Edinburgh  environmental science  equilibrium  evolution  evolutionarily advantageous  excludes and condemns possibilities other than it's own  existence  exposure  external god literally  faith  faith can be dangerous  fascinating  festivals  fire  five senses  flawed  food  forces of nature  forgive directly  forgiven  forgiveness  fritjof capra  gadgets  gandhi  gandhi philosophy  gandhian philosophy  geological integrity  gift from god  god  god and love  god is everything  god is mean  god is nothing  gods  gratitude  grow up  guidelines  happy  harmony  healing  heaven  hell  highest potentials  Himalayas  hindi lessons  hindu  hindu gods  hindu mythology  holy men  horrendous atrocities of the chinese  human capacity  human values  humans  humility  Illusion and other Realities  illusions  immaculate conception  infinite definitions  inherent biological feature  interconnectedness  interpretation  intrinsically linked with  irrational  irritable  jesus  jesus is a madman  jihad  joseph campbell  judgement  judo-christian  ka  kabir  Kamal  Kamal Hassan  killed  knowledge  Koran  krishna  Krishna lila  Krishnamurthi  krishnamurthi school  lakes  languages  laugh  laws of physics  layers of existence  leaves  letters from edinburgh  life forms  Light  Lord Krishna  love nature  love thy neighbour  loved by god  M.K. Gandhi  Mahabharatha  Mahatma Gandhi  material growth  materialistic  maya  maya jaal  meditating  meditation  meera bai  mental discipline  mercy  merge  metaphorical  mind and body  mindless sheep  mira bai  miracles  missionaries  moderate and tolerant views  moksha  mosques  mukthi  mukti  multiple headed snakes  myths to live by  nature  nature is sacred  Neuroscience  nirgun  nirvana  not follow spiritual teachers  nurturing  occident  oneness  only one  open  optimal use  organised religion  original  own path  papers  paradise  paramathma  peace  peaceful  perish  personal crisis  pettier  petty  Phantoms in the Brain  philosophies  philosophy  philosophy of yoga  plants  pluralism  poetry  political power play  poojas  power of love  power play  praise  praising jesus  protect nature  pure  question  radical atheism  radical atheist  ramayana  rational  read  reality  reason  reduce chronic pain  reflections  reiki  religion dangerous to humanity  rescue animals  respect  responsibility  reverent  rich mythology  richard bach  richard dawkins  ritualism  rituals  rivers  roberto calasso  running from safety  sacred  sacred rivers  sacrifice  sagun  sam harris  samsara  Santa Clause  sarcastic  sargun  schizophrenia  Schizophrenia: The Inward Journey  science  sections  sending his son  sensitive  seventy two virgins  shiva  sinner  sins  sky  sneh shapat  solipsism  spiritual  spiritual experiences  spiritual growth  spiritual path  spiritual progress  spirituality  spoon fed  stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise  streams  strokes  strong religious identities  suffering  suicide bombings  Sun  swayed  sydney  symbolic  symbolism  tao of physics  temper  temples  temporal lobe lesions  think  Tibetan settlement  tibetans  tiny ants  tolerance  torture  touched  trauma  trees  turn the other cheek  undefinable  utilitarian value  V.S. Ramachandran  varuna  vayu  videos  violence  water  welfare of the environment  wendy doniger  western philosophy  whole universe in his mouth  wild animals  wind  women  worship  worship nature  yoga  Yoga class 

See also