So the shift happened a week ago. The new house is well set now and quite nice. I have assimilated the neighbourhood and cognitively accepted my surroundings. It’s a ten min walk from the main Uni campus and extends my daily morning shuttle bus ride to my workplace (in the Hospital area) by 10-15 extra minutes. The interiors are nicer- better paint. We have dogs to look at from the window and children plan every evening in the Meadows- A great place to observe people and walk to cool off.
I just find the orange lights at night irritating and wonder who had the bad sense to change them from the softer tube light colour previously used world-wide.
The fMRI and EEG course was very interesting. Today I attended a day event about science in media. Also good, considering my certificate course in Journalism. Science should be easily conveyed to the public. All that jargon people throw around, doesn’t really help.
Things are intensifying with the project and it’s time for deep-sea diving. As for the future, things remain hazy. Seeping a little even into my head.
I must’ve mentioned before- my discovery of the importance of food. I can’t imagine how some people don’t have that- i.e. of starvation. What are we doing about them? Isn’t it normal to feel like we should?
We are having a vegetarian potluck housewarming tomorrow night. House full. Perhaps a party tonight- if my mood fits and most likely Sunday evening for games.
I hope all of you are leading happy and fulfilling lives. Think of the world in terms of children- you’ll end up doing the right thing.